6th Symposium on
Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference

Sunday, 21 July 2024
Getreidemarkt 9, 1060 Vienna, BA Gebäude, 11th floor (TU the Sky room)
Co-located with ICML

We invite submissions to the 6th Symposium on Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference, and welcome paper submissions and extended abstracts on the development, analysis, or application of approximate Bayesian inference.

In recent years, there have been numerous advances in approximate inference methods, which have enabled Bayesian inference in increasingly challenging scenarios involving complex probabilistic models and large datasets. The 6th Symposium on Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference (AABI) will discuss this impact of Bayesian inference, connecting approximate inference methods with other fields. We encourage submissions that relate Bayesian inference to the fields of deep learning, reinforcement learning, causal inference, decision processes, Bayesian compression, or differential privacy, among others. We also encourage submissions that contribute to connecting different approximate inference methods.

This year we are delighted to introduce the new AABI proceedings track, where full research papers will be subjected to a rigorous peer-review and published in proceedings of the symposium under the title Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference 2024.

Key Dates

  • Submission deadline (Proceedings and Workshop Tracks): 29 March 2024 (11:59pm AoE)
  • Submission deadline (Fast Track): 10 May 2024 (11:59pm AoE)
  • Reviews released (Proceedings Track): 3 May 2024
  • Author rebuttal due (Proceedings Track): 10 May 2024 (11:59pm AoE)
  • Acceptance notification: 24 May 2024
  • Camera-ready for accepted submissions: 12 July 2024
  • Symposium date: 21 July 2024

Poster Information for Authors

It is the responsibility of the authors to print and bring their own posters to the symposium. Due to space constraints, posters cannot exceed A1 width. That is, the maximum width is 594 mm (23.4 in). A0 posters are permitted in portrait orientation but not in landscape.

Camera ready instructions for accepted papers

Camera ready versions of accepted papers should be deanonymized, listing author names and affiliations, and incorporate the feedback provided by reviewers. We allow an additional page to account for them (i.e., max 7 pages for the workshop track and 13 pages for the proceedings track). Updated manuscripts should be uploaded to OpenReview by 12 July 2024.

Paper Submission

This year we will run three submission tracks:

Acknowledgements, references, and appendices do not contribute to the page limits.

Proceedings Track

The proceedings track is AABI’s new archival research paper track. Submissions will go through a rigorous double-blind open peer-review process. All accepted papers will be presented at the symposium as contributed talks and/or posters and will all be published in the proceedings.

A submission is no longer than 12 pages in PDF format using the AABI PMLR one-column style (template). For questions and troubleshooting, visit CTAN.

Author names need to be anonymized and may not contain any information that can break anonymity. References may extend as far as needed beyond the page limit. Submissions may include a supplement, but reviewers are not required to read any supplementary material. Preprints must not be explicitly identified as AABI submissions, and we recommend that authors avoid advertising the material during the review process.

The review process will be a double-blind open review. After the initial reviews are released (3 May 2024), there will be one (1) week of author-reviewer discussion. The final decisions will then be released on 24 May 2024.

Proceedings track papers published at AABI are indexed in the Proceedings of Machine Learning Research through the Journal of Machine Learning Research under the series name Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference.

Dual submission policy: Submitted manuscripts should not have been previously published in the proceedings of a conference or in a journal, nor should they be under consideration for publication at another conference or journal at any point during the AABI review process. Extended abstracts and/or preprints (such as arXiv) in non-archival venues will not be considered concurrent submissions.

To submit proceedings track papers, please use the OpenReview submission link.

Workshop Track

A workshop track submission should take the form of an extended abstract of 3-6 pages in PDF format using the AABI PMLR one-column style (template). For questions and troubleshooting, visit CTAN.

The review process will be double-blind. Author names need to be anonymized and references may extend as far as needed beyond the 6-page limit. Submissions may include a supplement/appendix, but reviewers are not required to read any supplementary material. Final decisions and reviews will be released on 24 May 2024.

All accepted submissions will be presented in person as posters. Note that the workshop track is non-archival.

Dual submission policy: If a paper has previously appeared in a journal, workshop, or conference, it should be extended in order to be accepted at the AABI 2024. If a paper is currently under review, it can still be submitted to the AABI workshop track.

To submit workshop track papers, please use the OpenReview submission link.

Fast Track

We also invite researchers to present papers on the development, analysis, or application of approximate Bayesian inference that have previously been accepted at ICLR 2024, ICML 2024, UAI 2024, AISATS 2024, as well as JMLR and TMLR in 2024. These papers should be formatted according to the camera-ready standards of their respective venues. Author names do not need to be anonymized. AABI Fast Track is non-archival and does not have proceedings to avoid conflict with other venues' double submission policies.

Papers accepted within this modality will be presented in person as posters. These papers will not appear on the AABI website.

To submit fast track papers, please use this submission link.