2nd Symposium on
Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference

December 8, 2019
Pan Pacific Hotel
300 - 999 Canada Pl
Vancouver, BC V6C 3B5, Canada
Crystal Pavilion

We invite researchers in machine learning and statistics to participate in the 2nd Symposium on Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference.

Key Dates

  • Paper submission: 15 October 2019 (11:59pm GMT)
  • Acceptance notification: 8 November 2019
  • Final paper submission: 5 December 2019

Poster Information for Authors

Due to space constraints, posters must be vertical (portrait) and cannot exceed A1 size. That is, the maximum width is 594 mm (23.4 in).

Submission Details

We invite researchers to submit their recent work on the development, analysis, or application of approximate Bayesian inference. A submission should take the form of an extended abstract of 2-4 pages in PDF format using the PMLR one-column style (template). For questions and troubleshooting, visit CTAN. The review process will be double-blind. Author names need to be anonymized and references may extend as far as needed beyond the 4-page upper limit. Submissions may include a supplement/appendix, but reviewers are not responsible for reading any supplementary material.

All submissions will be reviewed by at least three reviewers from the field. Accepted submissions will be accepted to presentation only. The authors of selected submissions will be invited to publish their paper in a PMLR volume. We aim to keep a general inclusive nature of the symposium for presentations. However, we will only invite the top-rated accepted papers to be published through PMLR.

Dual submission: If authors' research has previously appeared in a journal, workshop, or conference (including the NeurIPS 2019 conference), their symposium submission should extend that previous work. If authors' research is currently under review (such as in AISTATS 2020 or ICLR 2020), their research is still encouraged to submit to and present in AABI. However, the authors must notify us through email that they do not wish to be considered for PMLR proceedings.

Please submit here. Submissions will be accepted as poster presentations. Selected submissions will also be considered for awards and contributed talks. Final versions of the symposium submissions are due by 5 December, and will be posted on the symposium website.

Questions? Contact us at aabisymposium2019@gmail.com.


The symposium offers best paper awards which are open to all researchers. Submitting by the deadline automatically entitles you for consideration for the awards.

Thanks to our sponsors, we will provide travel awards between $2000 and $3000 in total, to be allocated across winners. When determining the recipients of the awards, priority will be given to PhD students from academic institutions.