Virtual Event, February 1st and 2nd, 2022
We invite researchers in machine learning and statistics to participate in the 4th Symposium on Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference.
This year AABI will be a virtual event consisting of two days online seminars held in February 1st-2nd, 2022. The seminars will cover invited talks as well as contributed talks.
We invite researchers to submit their recent work on the development, analysis, or application of approximate Bayesian inference. A submission should take the form of an extended abstract of 3-6 pages in PDF format using the PMLR one-column style (template). For questions and troubleshooting, visit CTAN.
The review process will be double-blind. Author names need to be anonymized and references may extend as far as needed beyond the 6-page upper limit. Submissions may include a supplement/appendix, but reviewers are not responsible for reading any supplementary material.
All accepted submissions will be accompanied with a presentation. Presentations will take the form of online video summaries, and papers will be made available on the symposium website. The authors of selected submissions will be invited to present their work in a contributed talk during one of the online seminars and/or to publish their paper in a PMLR volume.
Dual submission policy: If a paper has previously appeared in a journal, workshop, or conference (including the NeurIPS 2021 conference), it should be extended in order to be accepted at AABI. If a paper is currently under review (e.g. in AISTATS 2022 or ICLR 2022), it can still be submitted to AABI. Selected submissions accepted at AABI will be invited for archival publication through our PMLR proceedings. Note this option is not available to papers published at other journal or conference venues.
We will use OpenReview for submission and review. Camera-ready versions are due by 12 January 2022, and will be posted on the symposium website.
Questions? Contact us at